"comic genius"
the irish times
Johnnie McNamara Walker is a writer & performer from Toronto.
His solo show The Heterosexuals premiered at the Edmonton Fringe and has since been performed in Toronto, Dublin, Vancouver, Victoria, Atlanta, Rochester and completed an Off-Broadway run in New York City. His newest solo show, Iggy Beamish Destroys Traditional Marriage, premiered at the Edmonton Fringe and has been performed in Toronto and continues to tour.
His first solo show, Redheaded Stepchild has toured North America and is available in print from Playwrights Canada Press.
Johnnie has been an artist-in-residence at Canadian Stage, Theatre Passe Muraille, Videofag, Playwrights Workshop Montreal, and Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, where his play Shove It Down My Throat premiered in 2019.
He wrote and directed the short film Saturn Devours.
He is a founding member of BoylesqueTO.
He is also a nightlife producer and ran the long-running monthly queer event series HEY GIRL HEY.